The days are hot and long. After dinner, you’re craving something cold and super sweet; delicious and also nostalgic, reminiscent of when summer days were full of seemingly endless hours to fill with whatever your heart desired. What’s the answer? The brightest, boldest, sweetest possible treat: Cotton candy bubblegum ice cream, obviously! Look, fruit flavors are great; chocolate has its time and place; but tonight? Tonight you want something so obnoxiously bright in color and bold in flavor that mother nature would shudder to look at it; something gloriously manmade and definitely meant for children, but aren’t we all just bigger, taller children, really? So go ahead and enjoy your super sweet ice cream treat; you deserve it.
Scent Notes: Cotton candy, bubblegum, watermelon hard candies, and plum with a tiny bit of spearmint mixed into a sweet custard base.